
Decisions published

12/06/2024 - EDUCATION PLANNED MAINTENANCE PROGRAMME 2024/25 ref: 10355    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Children, Education and Families

Decision published: 12/06/2024

Effective from: 12/06/2024


That the School Condition Allocation of £406,595 from the Department for Education to support the capital maintenance of community and foundation maintained schools within Bromley during 2024/25 be noted.  This will be added to the Capital Maintenance in Schools cost centre (906726) within the Council’s Capital Programme.


That the proposed allocation of £617k capital maintenance funding be agreed as set out in Paragraph 6.2 of Report CEF23085.


That responsibility be delegated to the Director of Education to agree changes to the programme set out in Paragraph 6.2 in Report CEF23085,


That capital maintenance works will normally be procured through open procurement. The Council may also on occasion delegate funds to schools or deliver works through the Council’s Corporate Property Division.


The Council’s Lot 4 consultant be commissioned to support the Council where required in the planning and project management of education planned maintenance works

Lead officer: Robert Bollen

12/06/2024 - PROVISIONAL OUTTURN REPORT 2023/24 ref: 10354    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Children, Education and Families

Decision published: 12/06/2024

Effective from: 12/06/2024


That the provisional outturn position for the Children, Education and Families Portfolio for the 2023/24 financial year be endorsed.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: David Bradshaw

12/06/2024 - EARLY INTERVENTION AND FAMILY SUPPORT ANNUAL UPDATE ref: 10356    For Determination

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Children, Education and Families

Decision published: 12/06/2024

Effective from: 12/06/2024


That the Early Intervention and Family Support annual update be endorsed.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Rachel Dunley

06/06/2024 - CRYSTAL PALACE SHADOW SECTION 106 AGREEMENT ref: 10353    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Development Control Committee

Made at meeting: 06/06/2024 - Development Control Committee

Decision published: 07/06/2024

Effective from: 06/06/2024


RESOLVED: That it be noted that the Rockhills Application Stage GDV to be used for the purposes of section 106 agreement that is to be finalised in respect of application 20/00325/OUT is £55,037,400.

06/06/2024 - UPDATE ON THE BROMLEY LOCAL PLAN REVIEW ref: 10352    For Determination

Decision Maker: Development Control Committee

Made at meeting: 06/06/2024 - Development Control Committee

Decision published: 07/06/2024

Effective from: 06/06/2024


RESOLVED.  That the report be noted.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ben Johnson

06/06/2024 - (24/00478/DET) - Crystal Palace Park, Thicket Road, Penge, London, SE20 8DT (Crystal Palace & Anerley Ward) ref: 10351    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Development Control Committee

Made at meeting: 06/06/2024 - Development Control Committee

Decision published: 07/06/2024

Effective from: 06/06/2024



Wards affected: Crystal Palace & Anerley;

06/06/2024 - (23/03484/OUT) - 53 Jail Lane, Biggin Hill, TN16 3SE (Biggin Hill Ward) ref: 10350    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Development Control Committee

Made at meeting: 06/06/2024 - Development Control Committee

Decision published: 07/06/2024

Effective from: 06/06/2024



Wards affected: Biggin Hill;

06/06/2024 - CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS HELD ON 5 MARCH AND 15 MAY 2024 ref: 10349    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Development Control Committee

Made at meeting: 06/06/2024 - Development Control Committee

Decision published: 07/06/2024

Effective from: 06/06/2024



06/06/2024 - QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ATTENDING THE MEETING ref: 10348    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Development Control Committee

Made at meeting: 06/06/2024 - Development Control Committee

Decision published: 07/06/2024

Effective from: 06/06/2024


Two questions for oral reply and one question for written reply were received at the meeting.

06/06/2024 - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ref: 10347    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Development Control Committee

Made at meeting: 06/06/2024 - Development Control Committee

Decision published: 07/06/2024

Effective from: 06/06/2024


Councillor Colin Hitchins declared that he was employed by London Biggin Hill Airport in relation to Agenda Item 5: (23/03484/OUT) - 53 Jail Lane, Biggin Hill.

06/06/2024 - APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND NOTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS ref: 10346    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Development Control Committee

Made at meeting: 06/06/2024 - Development Control Committee

Decision published: 07/06/2024

Effective from: 06/06/2024


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Keith Onslow and Councillor Colin Hitchins attended as his substitute.