ePetition details

Roots4Learning - Vetting an Alternative Provision

We the undersigned petition the Council to urge the Local Authority’s SEND Education Team to complete its internal processes as quickly as possible so that they can then commission the Community Interest Company, Roots4learning, an alternative education provision within Bromley for students who are awaiting appropriate provision of education in mainstream or in special needs schools or alternative provision with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP.)

Bromley has written to many parents who have expressly requested that their children attend Roots4learning to engage in educational interventions. However, Bromley will not currently countenance even an informal conversation let alone a visit to this vital resource.
Bromley has written to all the parents interested in their children attending with a stock response that the provision is not DfE registered and so they are unable to agree to commissioning it to deliver education in section F of EHC plans. It goes on to state that it needs to ensure a provision has the correct policies, safeguards and quality of teaching in place before placing children in the provision. It tells parents that provisions should typically have registration with OFSTED, and uses the example of a provision recently approved in Station Road, which has not yet received an OFSTED visit or has a history of quality of teaching. The LA further states that needs to use its public funds effectively.
For the avoidance of doubt, Roots4learning is a part time school offering 15 hours or less of education. The Department of Education has written to them to stress they do not need to be DfE registered and it won't register them because they provide less than a full-education. For this reason, it also doesn't have to register with Ofsted. Another local authority has completed its own quality assurance on Roots4learning based on the Independent Schools Standards Framework. They have proactively sent this information to Bromley and Lambeth. Two schools within Bromley have completed their own quality assurance and their trust boards have visited. The managers of the part-time school are well-known, ex-employees of the local authority, and so there is no ‘leap in the dark’ to understand the effective management of the school. It is also charging less by the hour than other commissioned, non OFSTED registered and non DfE approved local providers.
Additionally, the Local Authority appears to parents to be demanding preconditions for Roots4learning which it has not requested of similar providers it uses. For example, it uses The Link which is a very similar set-up to Roots4learning in that it also provides for those who are awaiting appropriate provision in mainstream or in special needs schools or alternative provision with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP.) Like Roots4learning, The Link is not DfE registered, nor is it OFSTED registered – or even needs to be. Another supplier which Bromley is using is called Supply and Demand Consultancy Limited. This is a recruitment agency which is not a school, not DfE registered, and sends teachers without oversight or supervision to libraries and houses. The teachers are vetted by the company, but both the local authority and the company disagree on who maintains oversight and management of the staff it uses.
In summary, parents who want the Local Authority to proceed to vetting this Community Interest Company are being ignored and, only today, are being informed that no one at the council may speak to parents about Roots4learning.

This ePetition ran from 18/01/2024 to 01/07/2024 and has now finished.

226 people signed this ePetition.