ePetition details

Potholes and blocked drains on Bromley streets

We the undersigned petition the Council to do four things: 1. Communicate to all residents what steps they will take to push Riney to improve between now and the end of the contract. 2. Communicate to all residents what steps they will take to ensure the next contract for highway maintenance reduces the number of potholes and blocked drains on our streets. 3. Consult residents and other local stakeholders on how highway maintenance is handled in the borough. 4. Ensure the results of this consultation to be communicated to residents and taken into consideration when drafting the next contract for highway maintenance.

Bromley Council's highway maintenance contractor is Riney. They're supposed to ensure we have "good quality and well maintained streets" (see paragraph 3.1 of this report: https://tinyurl.com/275x4n5c). Right now we've got potholes everywhere and when it rains heavily many streets see large puddles or flooding because drains are blocked.

The Council's 7-year contract with Riney is coming towards its end - it's the perfect time for the Council and Riney to show residents how they will aim to do better.

This is a serious issue affecting the lives of people who live, work or study in Bromley Borough. For example, in Shortlands village there are huge puddles on pavements every time there's a heavy rainfall, making it difficult and dangerous for young children to get to and from school. There have also been times when Beckenham Lane has been submerged under water beneath the railway bridge so that commuters need to wear wellies or get wet feet on their way to the train station.

This ePetition runs from 03/05/2024 to 14/07/2024.

4 people have signed this ePetition.