ePetition details

20M 5G Mast on Walden Road/Waratah Drive

We the undersigned petition the Council to stop the installation of the 20 metre 5G mast in Walden Road/Waratah Drive BR7

I am a resident of Walden road and together with many other local residents am deeply concerned about the proposed 20-metre, 5G mast to be installed on the junction of Walden Road and Waratah Drive. The structure will be a huge blot on the landscape, towering 5 metres above the tree line and so visible from most gardens in the area. We're concerned not only about the eyesore but also noise and heat it may generate.

Many of us fear the invalidation of life and health insurance policies, as 5G is regarded as a high impact risk for future litigation in the insurance industry "As the biological effects of EMF in general and 5G in particular are still being debated, potential claims for health impairments may come with a long latency." Llloyds of London.

The environmental impact cannot be ignored either. This mast threatens local wildlife, including those in a nearby protected bird sanctuary.

Residents within 500m of the structure will be subjected to high levels of radiation day and night. Countless studies indicate harms caused by 5G to human health. The New Hampshire Commission in the USA has passed legislation requiring a setback of at least a 500m distance for telecoms installations from residences, schools and businesses. https://rfinfo.co.uk/new-hants-commission/

It is very likely that property values will drop considerably in the local area due to the considerable health, insurance and environmental risks.

We strongly urge Bromley council to reject plans for this harmful installation and its deployment. Please sign this petition to protect our health, our wildlife and our community.

This ePetition runs from 09/07/2024 to 04/09/2024.

202 people have signed this ePetition.