Issue details

(20/03457/TPO) - 6 Sevenoaks Road, Orpington BR6 9JJ

T1 Horse Chestnut located on front boundary - Reduce elongating leader that originated from decaying scaffold branch on north side by no more than 2.5m. Remaining crown over road reduce elongating branches by no more than 0.5m to even crown shape when viewing the tree from the north side. Reduce elongating leaders on remaining crown by no more than 0.5m.
SUBJECT TO TPO 388 (12.12.1986)

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Orpington;

Decision due: 21 Jan 2021 by Plans Sub-Committee No. 4

Contact: Chris Ryder, Principal Tree Officer Email:, Paul Smith, Tree Officer, Planning Division Email:


Agenda items


  • 20/03457/TPO 6 Sevenoaks Road