Meeting attendance

Tuesday 9 February 2016 7.00 pm, Adult Care and Health Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   Bromley Civic Centre

Contact:    Kerry Nicholls
020 8313 4602

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Ruth Bennett Committee Member Present
Councillor Mary Cooke Committee Member Present
Councillor Judi Ellis Chairman Present
Councillor Robert Evans ex-Officio In attendance
Linda Gabriel Co-Optee Present
Justine Godbeer Co-Optee Apologies
Councillor Hannah Gray Committee Member Present
Councillor David Jefferys Committee Member Present
Councillor Kevin Brooks Committee Member Present
Tia Lovick Co-Optee Absent
Rosalind Luff Co-Optee Absent
Councillor Terence Nathan Committee Member Apologies Substituted by Councillor David Livett
Councillor Charles Rideout CVO, QPM Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Diane Smith Advisory Member In attendance
Councillor Pauline Tunnicliffe Vice-Chairman Present
Councillor Stephen Wells Committee Member Present