Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/04/2012 - Bromley Economic Partnership (expired) (Item 3)


Kevin Munnelly, LBB Head of Town Centre Planning Projects

Additional documents:


The Head of Town Centre Renewal gave an update around Town Centre Development across the Borough.


Progress was continuing across the sites that made up the Bromley Town Centre Area Action Plan.  The Council had received the judgement of the High Court with regard to the challenge from Linden Homes/Network Rail in relation to the number of residential units that could be accommodated on Site A: Bromley North.  The Council’s Legal Team were currently reviewing the judgement, which would be reconsidered at the High Court on 16th May 2012 to clarify the position regarding the site.  The Head of Town Centre Renewal also confirmed that Officers were in discussions with Transport for London to examine a business case for a potential extension of the Docklands Light Railway to Bromley North Station. 


Work was being undertaken to investigate the designs and costs associated with creating a temporary parking area at Site B: Tweedy Road which would provide an additional 100 spaces during the refurbishment of The Hill and the redevelopment of Westmoreland Multi-Storey Car Parks.  A Variable Message System would also be introduced to Bromley from September 2012 to improve traffic management across the town centre.


The Land Group had been selected as the Council’s development partner in relation to Site C: the Old Town Hall, and regular progress meetings had commenced.  A meeting had taken place on site with English Heritage and Cathedral Group’s consultants on 24th February 2012, and it had been agreed that the scheme’s architects would seek to bring forward a scheme which retained the ground floor of the Old Town Hall.


Work was ongoing on the refurbishment of Site E: The Pavilion and the new gymnasium was now open.  Contractors would remain on site until May 2012 with a continuous service planned throughout the redevelopment works.  With regard to Site F: Civic Centre, a decision had been made by Members’ for the Council Offices to remain on the site at the current time.


The Pin Notice and Information Brochure had now been published in relation to Site G, and a series of interviews had taken place with a number of potential development partners.  The improvement works at Site J: Bromley South had also commenced, with step free access due to be implemented prior to the start of the London 2012 Olympics.


The planning application for the redevelopment of Site K: Westmoreland Road Car Park had been approved by Development Control Committee on 6th March 2012.  This was subject to a S106 agreement and referral to the Greater London Authority, and Cathedral Group anticipated starting the 2 year build in Autumn 2012.  A pre-application enquiry for a mixed use, hotel-led development had been submitted by agents in respect of Site L: Former DHSS in November 2011 and Officers were in discussion with the owners around the potential to retain offices on site.


With regard to Site M: Queen’s Gardens, a planning application for the development of the terrace had been refused by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3

Meeting: 10/01/2012 - Bromley Economic Partnership (expired) (Item 3)


Kevin Munnelly, LBB Head of Town Centre Planning Projects

Additional documents:


Marc Hume reported on progress across the town centre development sites. He stated that although there was plenty of vision, what was needed, and what he thought Bromley had, was a sense of momentum and confidence to meet the challenge from Croydon and elsewhere.

Site A: Bromley North. Lord Justice Binning’s judgement on 20th December 2012 quashed Policy OSA and directed the Council to review the policy. This was an opportunity to develop a business case and lobby for a DLR extension in the run-up to the mayoral election in May. It was agreed by the Partnership that this should be a major economic development priority for the borough. 

Site B: Tweedy Road. Work was being carried out to test the viability of using the site as a temporary car park – TfL would only support the proposal with sound traffic modelling data. The Chairman added that a variable message system for town centre parking was due to be installed later in the year.


Site C: Town Hall. The exclusivity agreement with the Land Group/Cathedral had been extended for up to six months. 


Site E: The Pavilion. The £5m investment programme was on target, and work should be finished in the next few months.


Site F: Civic Centre. Refurbishment of the North Block should be completed by April, allowing the Joseph Lancaster and Anne Springman blocks to be emptied.


Site G: West of the High Street. Officers would be meeting with potential developers in the next 4-6 weeks to obtain their views, modify the scheme as necessary and then move on to securing a development partner. The scheme would still be retail-led, and a document would be circulated later in the month, including to members of the partnership. Work was also being carried out to investigate the possibilities for refurbishing the Churchill Theatre/Central Library in conjunction with this site.


Site J: Bromley South. Officers were discussing with Network Rail whether a more long-term redevelopment above the station would be possible following the withdrawal of the previous developers.


Site K: Westmoreland Car Park. The planning application was due to go to Development Control Committee on 3rd April 2012.


Site L: Former DHSS Building. Trillium Real had indicated that they would be submitting an application for a hotel/residential scheme. The policy requirement for the site was replacement office space.


Site M: Queen’s Gardens. A full planning application for five restaurants had been submitted by Capital Shopping Centres in December 2011; this was due to be considered by Development Control Committee on 14th February 2012. The application was controversial because of the impact on the gardens.


Bromley North Village. Funding of £3m had been allocated by TfL, subject to the Council meeting certain design requirements, and the Council would be contributing £1.5m. The majority of the comments received during the public consultation had been positive. Officers were also in discussion with Sainsbury’s about their options for expansion. 


Orpington Town  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3