Agenda and draft minutes

Annual Meeting, Council - Wednesday 15 May 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Bromley Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, Bromley, BR1 3UH

Contact: Graham Walton  020 8461 7743

No. Item


To elect the Mayor of the Borough

The Mayor to make and deliver the statutory Declaration of Office




It was moved by Councillor Nicholas Bennett, seconded by Councillor Robert Evans and


RESOLVED that Councillor Dr David Jefferys be elected Mayor of the Borough.


Councillor Jefferys made and subscribed the Declaration of Acceptance of the Office of Mayor and thereupon adjourned from the chamber in company with the retiring Mayor to receive the insignia of office.


In the chair, Councillor Dr David Jefferys


On his return to the chamber, the Mayor expressed his thanks for the honour conferred on him.


To record the appointment of the Deputy Mayor signified to the Council in writing


The Mayor signified orally and in writing his appointment of Councillor Jonathan Andrews as the Deputy Mayor.


The Deputy Mayor was invested by the Mayor with the insignia of his office and expressed appreciation for the honour of his appointment.


The Retiring Mayor


On a motion by Cllr Diane Smith, seconded by Cllr Kathy Bance MBE, it was


RESOLVED that at the conclusion of the year of office of Councillor Mike Botting as Mayor of the London Borough of Bromley, the Council places on record its appreciation of the able manner in which Councillor Mike Botting has presided at meetings of the Council and  the distinction with which he has discharged the high traditions and responsibilities of the office of Mayor.


His objective to visit every ward in the borough was achieved attending events that displayed diversity, equity and inclusion, supporting all residents, different races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, genders and sexual orientations.


As the Council’s Loneliness Champion, he has been a strong advocate for people experiencing loneliness. Cllr Botting worked tirelessly to highlight one of the largest health concerns facing the UK, affecting mental and physical health, reducing the stigma by discussing it.


As the Council’s Armed Forces Champion, he worked resolutely to raise awareness of the armed forces community. The signing of the Armed Forces Covenant renewed the Borough’s commitment, taking place during Bromley Council’s Armed Forces Day ceremony, led by Cllr Botting. This historic event will be the impetus to explore further ways to support this community who do so much for our country.


Through his patronage, Bromley has now achieved the Bronze award from the Ministry of Defence Employer Recognition Scheme, being one of only 12 local authorities to achieve this. The veterans’ hubs are supported by him, creating a link to support the veteran community and associated charities.


As a member of the Bromley Town Twinning Association, he maintained the relationship between the borough and Neuwied, receiving a delegation from Neuwied at the beginning of his year and visiting the town at the end of his year in office. 


Thereupon the Mayor, on behalf of the Council, invested Cllr Mike Botting with a badge in token of the appreciation of his services as Mayor of the Borough. Cllr Mike Botting then awarded a past Mayoress’s badge to Cllr Kim Botting.


Cllr Mike Botting expressed his thanks for the terms of the resolution and the presentation, and for the support accorded to him which had contributed so greatly to his year in office as Mayor.


RESOLVED that the Council records its appreciation of the able and courteous services of Councillor Keith Onslow and Mrs Sara Onslow  when, as Deputy Mayor and Mayoress for the year 2023/24, they represented the Mayoralty and the Council, and provides them with an attested copy of this resolution.


Councillor Onslow expressed his thanks for the terms of the resolution and for the support accorded to him during his year of office as Deputy Mayor.


The retiring Mayor, Cllr Mike Botting, presented a badge and resolution of thanks to his chaplain, Revd. George Rogers.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Felicity Bainbridge, David Cartwright QFSM, Christine Harris, Alison Stammers and Harry Stranger.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


To confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 11th March 2024 pdf icon PDF 368 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 11th March 2024 be confirmed.


To receive an address from the Leader of the Council if they so elect


The Leader of the Council, Cllr Colin Smith, made a short statement at the start of the Council year. He stated that local government faced a bleak future due to many years of under-funding, but Bromley Council was punching above its weight, as recent national awards for its work on Homeless Health and the Loneliness Project and recent the Ofsted judgement showed. The Council had worked hard on the Armed Forces Covenant and had the best recycling rates and the highest library book issues in London. However, the Council was not perfect and it was important that, when mistakes were made, as a learning organisation, the Council apologised, got things right the next time and learnt lessons.  


The priorities for any incoming national government were unlikely to include local government, despite the crisis developing in housing and the surging cost of temporary accommodation, the demand for SEN services continuing to outstrip supply and the increasing need to serve ageing populations.


Bromley’s funding from government had been around £50m a year below the London average for twenty years, and the new government had to listen to the plight of local Councils. The Council’s first duty in law was to balance the books and tough decisions would need to be taken. He appealed to all councillors to work together and lobby on behalf of residents after the General Election.


Proportionality and Appointment of Committees pdf icon PDF 199 KB

Additional documents:


Report CSD24049


A schedule of proposed Committee appointments had been circulated. There was one further amendment, with Cllr Chris Price nominated to sit on the Audit and Risk Management Committee rather than Cllr Simon Jeal.


A motion to approve (i) the proportionality of committees, (ii) the membership of committees and (iii) the chairman and vice-chairman of committees was moved by Cllr Simon Fawthrop, seconded by Cllr Colin Smith and CARRIED.


Constitution - Scheme of Delegation to Officers pdf icon PDF 304 KB

Additional documents:


Report CSD24050


A motion to receive the Scheme of Delegation to officers in respect of executive functions, approve the Scheme of Delegation to Officers in respect of non-executive functions, approve the amendment of Chapter 3 of the Constitution to clarify that the relevant Portfolio Holder should decide on reserved matters in the contract documents for the Council’s joint housing ventures and agree amended terms of reference for Development Control Committee and Plans Sub-Committees was moved by Cllr Pauline Tunnicliffe, seconded by Cllr Colin Hitchins and CARRIED.




The Mayor confirmed that his Mayoress would be Mrs Anne-Marie Jefferys, and his chaplain would be Revd. Roger Bristow of Holy Trinity Church, Bromley Common. The Mayor’s  charities would be Alzheimer’s Research UK, Bromley Youth Music Trust and Welcare Bromley.


The following events had already been arranged –

·  Armed Forces Day at 10.30am on 26th June

·  The Civic Service at Holy Trinity Church, Bromley Common on 14th July

·  The Reception for Voluntary Workers on 18th July at 6.30pm

·  Remembrance Sunday on 10th November

·  The Civic Carol Service at St Mary’s, Shortlands on 22nd December at 6.30pm


The Mayor’s Office would be supplying details of all events.