Agenda and minutes

Safer Bromley Partnership Board - Thursday 21 March 2013 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Rooms, Bromley Civic Centre

Contact: Kerry Nicholls  020 8313 4602

No. Item




Apologies were received from Councillor Douglas Auld, Karen Bishop (London Community Payback), Sarah Denton (Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime), Colin Maclean (Community Links Bromley), Jim McGowan (LBB Head of Environmental Protection) and Stephanie Roberts (Borough Police Commander).




The notes of the last meeting held on 13th December 2012 were received.


There were no matters arising.


It was AGREED that the minutes be approved.




The Chairman thanked all members of the Partnership for contributing to the funding bid to the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime for 2013/14.


A number of changes had been made to the staffing structure of Community Safety.  Jim McGowan, Head of Environmental Protection, was now the Lead Officer for the Safer Bromley Partnership, and Jackie Goad, Head of Public Health Nuisance and Anti-Social Behaviour, was now the Lead Officer for Anti-Social Behaviour and Safer Neighbourhood Officers. 


The Chairman led the members of the Partnership in thanking Colin Newman, who had now left the Local Authority, for the excellent work he had undertaken on behalf of the Partnership over many years.


It was AGREED that the update be noted.




The Deputy Borough Commander confirmed that the new local policing model would be rolled out across London during Summer 2013, and was likely to be launched in Bromley from September 2013.  Recruitment was currently underway to support the local policing model in the Borough and a number of Police Community Support Officers and Special Officers were expected to transfer to become full Police Officers.  The number and location of police bases across the Borough was yet to be confirmed.


There had been a significant reduction in criminal activity across the Borough over the past year, including a reduction in the number of residential burglary offences.  The work of the Safer Bromley Van continued to make a significant contribution to ensure that Bromley residents did not become repeat victims of burglary.


Drugs offences had been targeted across the Borough, with drugs warrants issued on a daily basis.  Positive outcomes from Stop and Search had also increased from 5% to 14% in the past year.  Bromley Police were the most highly rated service in the Metropolitan Police for most youth crime and violence offences.


It was AGREED that the update be noted.




Consideration was given to the performance monitoring report for Quarter 3, 2012/13 which reported progress against 4 key indicators. 

Performance Indicator 1: Reduction in Number of Violent Crimes showed that offences related to Violent Crimes represented 20% of the Total Notifiable Offences in Q3, with a reduction of 85 offences compared to the same period in 2011/12.  This included a reduction of 27 Wounding/GBH offences and 43 Harassment offences. 

Performance Indicator 2: Reduction in Numbers of Property Crimes within Bromley showed that offences related to property crimes represented 65% of the Total Notifiable Offences in Q3, with a decrease of 247 offences compared to the same period last year.  This included a decrease in robberies by 14%, burglaries by 6% and criminal damage by 19%. 

Progress against Performance Indicator 3: Reduction in Levels of Recorded Anti-Social Behaviour showed a reduction of 302 incidents of Anti-Social Behaviour reported compared to the same period in 2011/12.  This included a reduction of 431 incidents of Graffiti reported, 381 incidents of Anti-social Behaviour reported to police and 35 incidents of Anti-Social Behaviour reported the Council compared to the same period in 2011-12.

With regard to Performance Indicator 4: Increased Confidence in the Fact that Bromley is a Safe Place, it was noted there had been a reduction of 3% in the proportion of Bromley residents responding to the Metropolitan Police survey who were worried about Anti-Social Behaviour and crime in their area.

The Chairman noted that the performance indicator, ‘To what extent do you agree that the police and local council are dealing the ASB and crime issues that matter in this area’ (Question 74AB) had not been published in the Quarter 3 report by the Metropolitan Police.  James Cleverly confirmed that this performance indicator had been de-prioritised by the Home Office. 

Following discussion, members of the Partnership agreed that in future, Performance Indicator 4: Increased Confidence in the Fact that Bromley is a Safe Place would be measured using a range of other questions asked in the Metropolitan Police survey on the perception of safety and crime issues in the local area.


It was AGREED that:


1)  The Performance Management Report for Qtr 3 2012/13 be endorsed; and,


2)  Performance Indicator 4: Increased Confidence in the Fact that Bromley is a Safe Place would be measured in future using a range of questions asked in the Metropolitan Police survey on the perception of safety and crime issues in the local area.




Consideration was given to a report providing an update on analysis of burglary offences in the Borough between April and September 2012 following a 17% increase during Q1 of 2012/13, which was higher than the London average.  This further analysis of the data provided information on incidence of burglary by ward, day and time of day, and covered two types of burglary offence:

·  Burglary in a Dwelling

·  Burglary in other Dwellings

The analysis had indicated key hotspot locations for residential burglary both by number and density of offences per thousand properties included Penge and Anerley, Clockhouse, Crystal Palace and Plaistow and Sundridge wards.

The analysis identified that 43% of burglary offences were reported to the Police between the hours of 6.00pm and 11.00pm, which corresponded to the time that many people returned home from work.

Councillor Benington queried the level of daytime burglary, and the Deputy Borough Commander confirmed that Safer Neighbourhood Teams continued to target both the incidence and prevention of residential burglary in their wards.

In discussion, members of the Partnership agreed that an analysis of residential burglary be reported to the Safer Bromley Partnership on a quarterly basis. 


It was AGREED that:


1)  The results of the additional analysis be noted;


2)  That work to monitor trends in Burglary in a Dwelling offences and task resources as suggested by that analysis be continued; and,


3)  Residential Burglary analysis be reported to the Safer Bromley Partnership on a quarterly basis.




Consideration was given to a report providing feedback from the evaluation of the pilot Perpetrator Programme run in Bromley during April-June 2012 along with plans for future project delivery.

Following the identification of perpetrator provision as a gap in domestic abuse services in Bromley, TRYangle had been commissioned to deliver a twelve week group course for men with up to 20 individual counselling sessions for each man, and a support group for the former or current partners of the men attending with up to 20 individual counselling session for each woman.  A support worker was also provided for women who required additional support.

The Domestic Abuse Strategy Coordinator confirmed that due to the short notice of the programme, the number of referrals to the pilot programme had been low, with only six couples engaging with the programme and four couples completing the full evaluation programme.  It was noted that very positive outcomes had been reported by those participating in the programme including a significant reduction in the incidence of abusive behaviour and chid protection issues identified following completion of the programme.

It was proposed that a full Perpetrator Programme be commissioned in partnership with the London Borough Lewisham for 2013/14.  To fund the Programme, a bid had been made to the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, and funding would also be sought through the Police Board and the Tackling Troubled Families Programme.

In discussion, Paula Morrison noted the importance of preventative work in ensuring that children were not exposed to domestic abuse that they might later perpetuate in their own adult relationships.  Ian Smith also highlighted the potential to attract private sector funding for the Programme. 


It was AGREED that a perpetrator programme become part of the domestic abuse strategy and work plan, subject to funding from the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime and delivery partners.




Consideration was given to a report providing information around trends in Domestic Abuse in Bromley in the two year period from 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2012. 

The Domestic Abuse Strategy Coordinator confirmed that 832 cases of Domestic Abuse had been referred to the one stop shop in the last two years, and noted that work was also being undertaken by a range of agencies, such as the Police Service and Bromley Victim Support to develop a wider understanding of incidence of Domestic Abuse across the Borough.

Members of the Partnership were advised that the one stop shop was held one afternoon a week in a central location and provided a drop in advice service for those experiencing domestic abuse, as well as contact with a range of agencies including Women’s Aid, Bromley Victim Support and the Police. 

It was noted that whilst the majority of perpetrators of domestic abuse were former or current partners of those experiencing abuse, there had been an increase in the number of other family members, such as children, perpetrating abuse within the family home and this was being reflected in the diversification of services offered.  The majority of users of the one stop shop were aged 25-44 years; however there had been a slight increase in the number of users aged over 45 years, particularly in the case of abuse by other family members.

In response to a query from the Chairman, the Domestic Abuse Strategy Coordinator confirmed that whilst the existing one stop shop session was busy, there was currently no need to increase the number of one stop sessions as partner agencies were able to meet demand.

Lulu Peace highlighted the incidence of domestic abuse in Penge and Anerley ward and noted the need to work with a range of communities within the area to ensure that people were supported in reporting abuse.


It was AGREED that continuing provision of services and the development of more targeted services based upon further analysis when more data becomes available be supported.



(Drug Action Team, Youth Offending Service, Bromley Community Engagement Forum, Arson Sub-Group, Borough Resilience Forum and Operational Tasking)


Additional updates to be provided around:


Easter and Summer Divert Activities, Bromley Mentoring Service, MOPAC Bid, Tackling Troubled Families Programme, Gangs and LFB Budgets.



Substance Misuse Board – The Assistant Director: Public Protection confirmed that a bid had been submitted to the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime to fund an intensive support programme targeting substance misuse for 2013/14


Youth Offending Service – The Head of Youth Support Services was pleased to report that there was a continuing reduction in the number of first time entrants to the Youth Offending Service, but noted that young people who were referred to the Youth Offending Service tended to have more complex issues.  The Mentoring Programme was having a positive impact on young offenders with an increase in the number of these young people engaging with education, employment or training.


Bromley Community Engagement Forum – Ian Smith confirmed that a Stop and Search Survey had been conducted on both campuses of Bromley College of Further and Higher Education in January 2013, and that the College had expressed interest in further work being undertaken later in the year.  A Bromley Youth Conference would be held in late March 2013 to look at issues including Stop and Search, cyber bullying and mutual respect and all partners were invited to attend.  A Special Schools Youth Conference had been held at the Great Hall, Bromley Civic Centre on 12th February 2013, giving children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities the opportunity to meet with a range of partner agencies and participate in activities.  As part of this event, representatives of the Glades Shopping Centre had promoted their lanyard scheme which had been developed to support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities to use the centre independently and safely.  A workshop of Safer Neighbourhood Panels had been held on 28th February 2013 to look at how the local policing model would work.  A public meeting of the Bromley Community Engagement Forum had been held on Wednesday 20th March 2013 and had considered a range of issues including winter health and a partnership update. 


Arson Sub Group – Andy Holcombe reported that the number of deliberate fires in the Borough had fallen dramatically and that it was expected that the number of deliberate fires would be approximately 220 by the end of the year, a reduction of over 1000 deliberate fires per year since 2009/10.  A fire was currently being tackled at a waste site in Orpington and was likely to continue to burn for a week.  Local residents were being advised to be cautious in case of air pollution. 


Borough Resilience Forum The Emergency Planning Manager reported that a review was currently being undertaken of multi-agency contacts for future emergency communications. Work was also ongoing to revise the Borough Risk Register which should be completed later this year.  The Sub Regional Resilience Forum (SRRF) had drafted a business plan for 2013/14 which would provide a degree of uniformity for all London Councils.  Included in this was the adoption of certain new practices relating to the NHS changes, where all major emergencies  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.




The LBB Communications Officer reported that communications leads from across the Partnership were currently developing a joint communications plan which would include use of social media.  Work was ongoing to establish a Facebook page and Twitter feed for the Partnership which would link with more detailed information about the Partnership on the Bromley Knowledge website.

The March issue of the Safer Bromley News had now been published and was available on the below link:


A further issue was also planned to publicise the success of the Safer Bromley Awards 2013 event.  This issue would be delivered door-to-door in the Borough alongside the Waste Newsletter and would include ‘good news’ stories on the reduction in crime across the Borough as well as provide crime prevention advice.  Partners were encouraged to submit their stories for inclusion in future editions of the Safer Bromley News.

Councillor Reg Adams highlighted the need to raise public awareness of e-crime, which included issues such as internet scams and cyber bullying.  In considering such scams, Ian Smith queried whether banks could monitor unusual cheque activity for more vulnerable customers.  It was noted that registering with the Telephone, Mail and Fax preference services could be useful in deterring scammers and should be publicised in the Safer Bromley News. 

Paula Morrison expressed concern at websites that encouraged young people in self-harming activities and asked that guidance on this issue be included in a future edition of the Safer Bromley News, including links to helpful websites. 


It was AGREED the update be noted.




(a)  The Borough Commander’s Update for March 2013 had been circulated for information.




The Chairman advised the Partnership that the Safer Bromley Awards 2013 event had been extremely successful and thanked all partners for their contribution to the awards.  The Chairman also thanked Ward Security on behalf of the Partnership for continuing to sponsor the awards.


Louis Bell, London Community Payback, requested that partners provide their suggestions to him for community service projects that could be established across the Borough.



10.00am, Thursday 27th June 2013

10.00am, Thursday 19th September 2013

10.00am, Thursday 5th December 2013

10.00am, Thursday 13th March 2014


All meetings start at 10.00am unless otherwise notified.


Thursday 27th June 2013

Thursday 19th September 2013

Thursday 5th December 2013

Thursday 13th March 2014