Agenda item

(16/02176/FULL) - Biggin Hill Airport Ltd, Churchill Way, Biggin Hill, TN16 3BN




Description of application – Installation and operation of runway approach lights and associated security fencing for the end of runway 03 on land to the south-west and north-east of Main Road for use by London Biggin Hill Airport (LBHA).


Representations in support of the application from Ward Members, Councillors Melanie Stevens and Julian Benington, were received at the meeting.

Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED as recommended subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report of the Chief Planner, and subject to the following condition:


5. Before the development hereby permitted is commenced, details of the design, height and materials of the proposed boundary fence around the proposed lighting located to the south-western side of Main Road shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The fencing shall be installed in accordance with the approved details and shall be permanently retained as such.


REASON: To ensure that the site is safe and secure and to protect the visual amenities of the Green Belt, in accordance with Policies BE1 and G1 of the Unitary Development Plan.

Supporting documents: