
Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee

Purpose of committee

The Renewal, Recreation and Housing PDS Committee investigates executive decisions and develops and reviews policy in relation to the local economy, town planning and housing. Issues involve the development of Council plans and reviewing the working with partner groups such as local businesses, business support agencies, sub-regional and regional organisations, including the London Development Agency. The Committee is also involved in the performance monitoring of services which are within the remit of the Renewal, Recreation and Housing Portfolio.


In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, questions from the public that are not specific to reports on the agenda must have been received in writing by 5pm, 10 working days before the date of the meeting.


Questions specifically clarifying reports on the agenda should be received within two working days of the normal publication date of the agenda. The deadline is given on each agenda. 


One question of up to 50 words is allowed per person per meeting, for either oral or written reply.


At special meetings, only questions relating to reports on the agenda are taken.



Contact information

Support officer: Kerry Nicholls. 020 8461 7840

Postal address:
W88, West Wing
Bromley Civic Centre
Stockwell Close
Bromley, Kent

Phone: 020 8461 7840

Fax: 020 8290 0608
