Agenda and minutes

Safer Bromley Partnership Board - Thursday 15 December 2011 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Rooms, Bromley Civic Centre

Contact: Kerry Nicholls  020 8313 4602

No. Item




Apologies were received from Councillor Reg Adams, Councillor Kate Lymer, James Cleverly (Metropolitan Police Authority), Sue Cooper (Affinity Sutton), Andrew Holcombe (Borough Commander, Fire Services), Colin MacLean (Community Links Bromley) and Simon Schutte (UK Border Agency).


The Partnership welcomed Ian Smith as the new Chairman of Bromley Community Engagement Forum




The notes of the last meeting held on 29th September 2011 were received.


It was AGREED that the minutes be approved.


PERFORMANCE REVIEW 2011-12 pdf icon PDF 340 KB


Consideration was given to the performance monitoring report for Qtr 2, 2011/12 which reported progress against 4 key indicators.

Progress against Performance Indicator 1: Reduction in number of violent crimes showed that offences related to violent crimes represented 21% of Total Notifiable offences in Q2, and showed a reduction of 46 offences compared to the same period in 2010.

Performance Indicator 2: Reduction in numbers of Property Crimes within Bromley showed that offences related to property crimes represented 65% of Total Notifiable offences in Q2.  This showed an increase of 274 offences compared to the same period in 2010, however this period included the August disorder which accounted for a large proportion of the increase.

Following a new method of reporting, progress against Performance Indicator 3: Reduction in levels of recorded Anti-Social Behaviour showed 775 fewer incidents of Anti-Social Behaviour reported compared to the same period in 2010, which represented an 11% reduction.  Angela Williams-Brown highlighted that registered social landlords currently addressed Anti-Social Behaviour in partnership with Bromley Council and confirmed that an update would be provided to the next meeting of the Safer Bromley Partnership. The Borough Commander noted that Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) would shortly be inspecting a selection of London Boroughs around the approach taken to tackling Anti-Social Behaviour.  If Bromley was chosen, it would provide a good opportunity for the Safer Bromley Partnership to highlight the excellent work that was undertaken across the Borough.

Progress against Performance Indicator 4: Increased confidence in the fact that Bromley is a safe place showed an increase of 24% in respondents who agreed with the indicator ‘To what extent do you agree that the police and local council are dealing with the ASB and crime issues that matter in this area’ compared to same period in 2010/11.  The Chairman was pleased to note the significant increase in public confidence that Bromley was a safe place to live


It was AGREED that the Performance Management Report for Qtr 2, 2011/12 be noted.




Additional documents:


The Chairman announced that it would be the Borough Commander’s last meeting of the Safer Bromley Partnership and thanked him for his leadership and commitment to the Borough over the past 5 years.  Members of the Partnership joined the Chairman in wishing the Borough Commander well in his new role in London Borough of Southwark, and the Chairman was pleased to present the Borough Commander with a Bromley plaque for his service to the Safer Bromley Partnership.

The Borough Commander accepted the Bromley plaque with thanks and reflected on the progress made during his time in Bromley.  Bromley’s new Borough Commander had not yet been recruited; however Jo Oakley had recently joined Bromley as Deputy Borough Commander and would be in charge of the Borough’s operational policing.

In other news, the Diversity Day held at Bromley Civic Centre on 18th October 2011 had been a great success, and the Chairman thanked all those who had been involved.

With regard to the Community Safety Budget for 2012-13, the Chairman confirmed that the Community Safety Grant had been significantly reduced.  Budget savings totalling £164,350 had now been agreed for 2012/13, and whilst this represented a significant cut in funding, community safety activities would be maintained with reduced budgets.


It was AGREED that the update be noted.




(a)  The Borough Commander provided an update on police activities across the Borough.  The levels of robbery and personal robbery in Bromley were currently a concern, and a police operation would target burglary between November 2011 and January 2012.  Crime prevention work was being delivered to raise awareness around the risks of residential burglary.  A number of prolific burglars had recently been released from custody and integrated offender management would be key to ensure that offenders were managed in a coordinated way.  Work was also being undertaken in schools to address the levels of personal robbery amongst young people.  Further arrests had been made following the public disorder on 8th August 2011.  19 people had now been convicted and 17 were awaiting trial.  The investigation continued.


(b)  Graham Elder, Station Manager of Beckenham Fire Station provided an update on Fire Service activities across the Borough.  A joint working party with London Borough of Bexley was currently investigating how the delivery of fire services could be streamlined, with the Bromley model being used as a template.

Over 1500 home fire safety visits had been undertaken so far in 2011/12.  Visits were also undertaken with vulnerable adults living in the community through a process of partner referral, and 280 referrals had been received so far this year.

Six Junior Citizen events were planned over next calendar year with primary schools across the Borough.  The Junior Fire-setters Intervention Scheme was also ongoing and aimed to tackle problems with children setting fires.

A new safety campaign had been launched on 12th December 2012 to encourage young people not to cook after a night out drinking, with adverts appearing in central London Tube stations, free news papers and magazines and on social networking and listings sites. 

An initiative had been launched to reduce false fire calls and a charging policy had been put in place for repeated ‘shut in lift’ calls.  Angela Williams-Brown confirmed that reviews of fire safety had also taken place in sheltered housing provision across the Borough.

With regard to arson reduction, a recent bid for handheld devices had been successful and from January 2012, community issues would be photographed and provided to Bromley Council for action.  The Chairman requested that an arson update report be brought to the March 2012 meeting


It was AGREED that the update be noted.




Additional documents:


(a)  Consultation re: Proposed Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (Clare’s Law).


The Domestic Abuse Strategy Coordinator outlined the Home Office consultation being undertaken on a possible domestic violence disclosure scheme.  The Government sought views on three options:

  • To continue current arrangements under existing law
  • A ‘right to ask’ national disclosure scheme
  • A ‘right to know’ national disclosure scheme

Members of the Partnership discussed the proposed options.

The Borough Commander was supportive of the recommendations, however he also noted that uptake of the scheme was likely to be low.

Councillor John Canvin was concerned about the level of information disclosed.  The Domestic Abuse Strategy Coordinator explained that specific guidelines had been laid out to ensure that disclosure would only confirm if there may be concerns regarding a person.  No details would be shared and the consultation was gathering views about what information would constitute ‘concerns’. The Domestic Abuse Strategy Coordinator stated that her recommendation was that the Partnership response to the consultation request that unsubstantiated allegations not be included under the category of concerns.

Paula Morrison confirmed that health services in the Borough were supportive of a national disclosure scheme, and issues had been raised by GPs around how concerns regarding domestic violence could be reported without breaching confidentiality of patients. 

Councillor Benington queried the rights of enquiry proposed for parents and siblings.  The Domestic Abuse Strategy Coordinator confirmed that reporting processes were in place with Police and partner agencies where there were domestic violence concerns by family members.

It was agreed that the Partnership response would ask for both a ‘right to ask’ and a ‘right to know’ national disclosure scheme to be implemented.


(b)  Protecting the Elderly and Vulnerable Verbal Update


The Head of Trading Standards gave an update on activities being undertaken to protect the elderly and vulnerable.  Activities included Trading Standards working with local banks through a new protocol to protect older and more vulnerable residents from rogue traders.  Work was also being undertaken with health staff who supported vulnerable people in the community.

A programme of four theatre workshops would be provided to vulnerable elderly residents in the Borough in March 2012, including a workshop in the Biggin Hill Area.  A workshop would also be provided for adults with learning difficulties who were living independently.  Dave Prebble highlighted the role of Safer Neighbourhood Teams in promoting these events. 


(c)  Enforcement Activity Report


The Assistant Director: Public Protection gave an update on enforcement activity undertaken by Bromley Council under delegated powers during the period 1st April 2011 to 30th September 2011.

In considering the update, the Borough Commander suggested that the range of enforcement activities be publicised in the Safer Bromley News.  Paula Morrison also requested that a summary of enforcement activities undertaken in relation to rogue traders be provided to health staff who worked with vulnerable people in the community.

It was agreed that an update on enforcement activity be provided to the Partnership on a six monthly basis.


It was AGREED the update be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.




Susie Clark provided an update on the Safer Bromley News, the electronic newsletter showcasing the work of the Safer Bromley Partnership.  The winter 2011 edition had recently been published and included festive season safety tips.

Work was being undertaken to increase the contribution of partners to the Safer Bromley News, and a meeting of the communications officers from a range of partner organisations and services would be held on 24th January 2011 to support a coordinated response to community safety communications. 

The Chairman requested that Borough mentoring programme be publicised in the next issue of the Safer Bromley News.


It was AGREED that the update be noted.



(Tactical Group Report, DAT Report, YOT Report, Arson Sub Group Report and Bromley Community Engagement Forum) – (Verbal reports)

Additional documents:


DAT Report – Dave Prebble reported that there would be a launch of the new Drug User Services in the New Year and an invitation would be extended to Councillors who were members of the Partnership to attend.


Youth Offending Team Report – The Chairman reported that the recent inspection of the Youth Offending Team had gone well and thanked the LBB Crime Analyst for his work in assisting the Youth Offending Team during the inspection process.


Arson Sub Group Report – Graham Elder reported that work was being undertaken with Arson Reduction Officers to develop a ward-based response to tackling arson.  A multi-agency ‘clean up’ day would be held on 17th January 2012. 


Bromley Community Engagement Forum Report – Ian Smith confirmed that the Bromley Community Engagement Forum’s annual Youth Conference would be held on 23rd March 2012 at the Bromley Education Development Centre.  Work was also being undertaken with Veneratio to set up an intergenerational project in the Borough.





(a)  Councillor John Canvin highlighted concerns around metal theft in the Borough and asked what action was being taken to address this.  The Borough Commander confirmed that there had been a significant increase in metal theft across the UK, and that a Metropolitan Police-wide operation had been launched in response to a series of metal thefts across London.  Safer Neighbourhood Teams across the Borough were working with Trading Standards to ensure scrap metal dealers in Bromley were complying with legislation and not accepting any metal suspected of being stolen.  The Police were also working with British Transport Police to tackle railway cable theft.


(b)  Sarah Walker confirmed that the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime would be established in January 2012, taking over the functions of the Metropolitan Police Authority.  A series of public events to promote the new way of working would be held from February 2012, including an event in Croydon on 4th February 2012.  An event would also be held at City Hall for community safety partners and invitations would be issued shortly.




10.00am, Thursday 22nd March 2012


All meetings start at 10.00am unless otherwise notified.


Thursday 22nd March 2012